How to apply

If an individual wishes to apply and is eligible for a grant, they must do this through an organisation. The organisation could be an assigned health worker, a social worker, a charity, or an organisation like Citizens’ Advice.

Please note that the organisation must be able to accept electronic payments as the Fund cannot send payments directly to individuals. Applications from individuals will not be accepted.

Application process:

  1. The representative completes the Application Form with the applicant’s details. Please include as much information as possible.
  2. The representative returns the application form by email to If you cannot complete the form electronically, you can send the application in the post with a covering letter or headed note paper bearing your organisation’s logo to: Daniel Kuszel, South London Relief in Sickness Fund, York House, Richmond Road, Twickenham, TW1 3AA. Please note that electronic/ typed applications are preferred.
  3. Applications will be accepted up to 7 clear working days prior to the date of the meeting.  Any applications received outside this deadline may not be considered but will automatically roll forward to the next meeting.
  4. The representative will receive an acknowledgement from the Clerk to the Trustees.
  5. The Trustees of the Fund consider applications at their meetings. The Trustees meet four times a year.
  6. After a meeting, the Clerk to the Trustees will write to the representative who submitted the application to let them know whether the application was successful.